Box MS408.01
Contains 107 Results:
"Despite the Rumors, BIA's Canan is Staying in Billings.", 1978
A newspaper article from the Hardin Herald, titled "Despite the rumors, BIA's Canan is Staying in Billings."
The Swan that Carries Silver Shillings in its Bill, 1994
A transcript of the lecture given by James A. Clifton called "The Swan That Carries Silver Shillings in its BIll: The American Indian Treaty System Today."
Annotated Bibliography of Research Reports
Two copies of an Annotated Bibliography from research reports by Theodore D. Graves on Navajo Urban Relocation research.
"Did 'The Fat One' Smother General Custer?"
A report titled "Did 'The Fat One Smother General Custer?" or "The Cheyenne Mother's Revenge" or "Elizabeth Custer Finally Un-Done." The report is a look into the Battle of the Little Big Horn and anaylzes the narrative that the fight is centered around.
Irrigators' Converstions
A list of conversions that irrigators' use when "dealing with rates of flow and volumes of water," and a table of aritimetic used by irrigators. The conversions and table appear to have been copied from a magazine.
Public Service Jobs for Urban Ghetto Residents
An article titled "Public Employment and the Disadvantaged: Public Service Jobs for Urban Ghetto Residents" by Bennett Harrison. The article is a look into developing a "local public service job development program."
The Brave Hearted Woman, 1976
An article by Shirley Hill Witt, titled "The Brave-Hearted Women: The Struggle at Wounded Knee." The article outlines the life of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash and the impact she made during the American Indian Movement during the 1970s.