Box MS41.04
Contains 83 Results:
Clippings, 1926
Clippings, 1927
- Billboard art. (w/photo) of BB's "1st" trunk, (Indian-made)
Clippings, 1928
Several miscellaneous clippings w/ only secondary mention of BB, "A Visit to MT. Carroll, IL Recalled" clip
Clippings, 1932
Cody House in Rochester, Centennial Report (1946?) misfiled?) Wyoming Mag.
Clippings, 1933
Wonderful Wyoming Magazine
Clippings, 1935
Obituary for Dame Madge Kendal (UK paper)
Clippings, 1936
Obituaries for R. W. Toll (supt. YNP)
Clippings, 1939
Cowboy To-day (w Belden Photo)
Buffalo Bill Birthday article (both from Enterprise)
"Pocket Piece" (Rock Charm) of Buffalo Bill found in Kansas
F. T. Johnson Obituary
Bishop George Beecher comments on Buffalo Bill character
Clippings, 1942
Ad for Sherwin Cody - "Inprove Your English"
Japanese Relocation plans, Heart Mountain mentioned
Obituary for Tom Liddlecoat
Article on John Hand
Clippings, 1943
Ft. Leavenworth Army Paper with Buffalo Bill article
Kasnsas man who made boots for Buffalo Bill gun collector, A. H. Konigmacher